How do I delete my account in the Gestag app?


Gestag app

  How do I delete my account
in the Gestag app? 🤔

  ❗First of all, it is worth remembering that 
delete your account in the Gestag app all 
Your data will be deleted instantly
from our database, and you can't even 
recover your account at a later date and be 
you need to create a new.

When you delete your account, the following types of user 
data will be deleted:  
                        - name
                        - e-mail
                        - phone number
                        - water consumption tariff *
                        - password

* tariff is the value of the liter of water that is displayed by the your 
home's water metter

Deleting the account and user data:

1. Open the app and enter your login details:

  2. When you enter, on the main page, click on 
the top left icon to open the side menu

3. When you open the side menu, click on 
"Meus Dados"

       4. Then click on the red "APAGAR CONTA" button

        5. Confirm the action by clicking "SIM, TENHO       CERTEZA"

 6. And you're done!! Automatically your data 
will be deleted from the database and you will be redirected to the app's home screen.


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